I’m referring to us “the Church.” There are lots of people across the whole spectrum of our culture asking these kinds of questions…including me. The Anglicans, and others, are struggling with big issues like “Can we be a Biblical church and include homosexuals as priests, bishops, and in other leadership roles?” The Willow Creek Church in Chicago is wrestling with data that indicates that they have led people to the table of the Lord, but not taught them how to eat for themselves, leaving many as unweaned baby Christians starving for more nourishment than milk can provide.
See my friend Bethany Mendenhall’s posts on the Willow Creek thing here and here at Where the Grey Lives for the kinds of questions we should be asking about this whole thing.
Matthew 28:16-20 could hardly be clearer in what we are supposed to be doing. Making disciples doesn’t involve our selling the Gospel or closing the deal or any other kind of marketing-speak. That stuff is the Holy Spirit’s job. Our job, as Bethany rightly says, is to live the Kingdom; to be disciples so we can make disciples. That means knowing what Jesus told us so we can teach it to others in our words and our actions.
That probably, no – that definitely means church, and Christians individually, should look a lot different that it does today in most places and people. Maybe devoting ourselves to the word and to prayer will lead to a more communal lifestyle like it did is 1st Century Jerusalem…I don’t know. I’m not sure that is the point anyway. The real point is to devote ourselves to the Mission, to the word, and to prayer and see where the Spirit takes us.