The other day I was in Cleveland, OH on business. As we entered the downtown area in our taxi we were confronted with a large billboard with a disturbing image. One of Nike’s hot endorsement deals is with LeBron James, the star player for the NBA’s Cleveland Cavaliers. This billboard is a celebration of LeBron’s MVP season last year.
The text on the billboard is “We are all witnesses.” Having just used Peter’s sermon in Acts 2 as a sermon text last Sunday, these words were very familiar, and LeBron’s pose has a disturbing similarity to what Peter refers to himself and the others of the twelve apostles having witnessed.
The outstretched arms and the face turned toward heaven bears an eerie similarity to Jesus’ posture on the cross, and the choice of words could not have been accidental either, a word for word quote of how the English Standard Version renders Acts 2:32 “This Jesus God raised up, and of that we are all witnesses.” This is a stark reminder of the nature and objects of worship in our culture today, as well as our culture’s poor use of words and concepts like “Savior.”